Difference Between C++ and Java Programming Languages

Nowadays Java and C++ programming languages are vastly using in competitive coding. Due to some awesome features, these two programming languages mostly used in Industry also. C++ is a widely popular language among coders for its efficiency, high speed, and dynamic memory utilization. Java is widely in the IT industry, It is incomparable with any other programming language in terms of software development.

Difference Between C++ and Java Programming Languages

difference-between-c-and-java-programming-languages   C++ vs Java There are many differences and similarities between the C++ programming language and Java. A list of top differences between C++ and Java are given below:
Parameter C++ Java
Relationship No strict relationship between class names and filenames. In C++, header files and implementation files are used for specific class. The strict relationship is enforced, e.g., the source code for class PayRoll has to be in PayRoll.java.
Input mechanism I/O statements use in and cout, e.g., in » x; cout« y; I/O input mechanism is a quite complex as it reads one byte at a time (System.in). Output is easy, e.g. System.out.println(x);
Compiler and Interpreter C++ only support compiler Java supports both compiler and interpreter
Compatibility with other languages Compatible with C source code, except some exceptional cases. No backward compatibility with any previous language. The syntax is influenced by C/C++.
Access control and object protection Flexible model with constant protection available The cumbersome model encourages weak encapsulation.
Concept Write once compile anywhere Write once run anywhere everywhere
Support for programming type Allows both procedural programming and object-oriented programming. Support object-oriented programming model.
Interface Allows direct calls to native system libraries. Only call through the Java Native Interface and recently Java Native Access
Memory management Accessible to programmer System controlled
Root hierarchy C++ there is no such root hierarchy. C++ supports both procedural and object-oriented programming; therefore, it is called a hybrid language. Java is a pure object-oriented Programming language. That's. Why It follows single root hierarchy.
Best features C++ supports Object-oriented features Procedural programming features. Java support automatic garbage collection. It does not support destructors as C++ does.
Goto Statement C++ has a goto statement. Although, it is not ideal to a use a goto statement. Java has no goto statement. The keywords got, and const are reserved even if they are not used.
Multiple inheritance C++ provide multipleInheritance. The keyword virtual is used to resolveproblems during multipleinheritance if there is any. Java doesn't provide multiple inheritance.
Scope resolution operator C++ has scope resolution operator (: :) which is used to define a method outside of a class and to access a global variable within from the scope where a local variable also exists with the same name. No scope resolution operator (: :) in Java. The method definitions have to occur within a class, so there is no need for scope resolution.
Supporting method C++ supports both method overloading & operator overloading Java only supports method overloading. It does not provide support for operator overloading.
Portability The source must be recompiled for the platform; hence the code is not portable. Bytecode classes are transferrable to platform-specific JVM's.
Type semantics Consistent between primitive and object types. Differ for primitive and object types.
Libraries Predominantly low-level functionality Massive, classes for high-level services.
Runtime error detection Programmer responsibility. System Responsibility.
Functions & Data Functions and data may exist external to any class, global and namespace scopes are available. All function and data exist within classes; package scope are available.
Platform C++ programs are platform dependent. They need to be compiled for a particular platform. Java programs are platform independent. Java programs are written for Java Virtual Machine (JVM). It will run without needing recompilation.
Runtime error detection In C++, It is Programmer responsibility to check the errors. It is system responsibility to check error in the program.
Pointer C++ support pointers. Java offers only limited support for pointers.
Structure It supports structures. It does not any support for structures.
Unions C++ supports unions. Java does not support unions.
Object management C++ supports manual object management with the help of new and delete keywords. Java is heavy depend on automatic garbage collection. It does not support destructors.


  • Java doesn't support default arguments like C++.
  • Java does not support header files like C++. Java uses the import keyword to include different classes and methods.


  • C++ uses only compiler, whereas Java uses compiler and interpreter both.
  • C++ supports both operator overloading & method overloading whereas Java only supports method overloading.
  • C++ supports manual object management with the help of new and delete keywords whereas Java has built-in automatic garbage collection.
  • C++ supports structures whereas Java doesn’t supports structures.
  • C++ supports unions while Java doesn’t support unions.

C++ Example:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
   cout << "Hello C++ Programming";
   return 0;

Java Example:

class Simple{
    public static void main(String args[]){
     System.out.println("Hello Java");

Similarities between Java and C++

  1. Execution: At compile-time, Java source code or .java file is converted into bytecode or .class file. At runtime, JVM(Java Virtual Machine) will load the .class file and will convert it to machine code by the help of an interpreter. After compilation of method calls(using Just-In-Time (JIT) compiler), JVM will execute the optimized code. So Java is both compiled as well as an interpreted language.On the other hand, C++ executes the code by using only a compiler. The C++ compiler compiles and converts the source code into the machine code. That’s why c++ is faster than Java but not platform-independent.Below is the illustration of how Java and C++ code are executed:Execution of a Java Code
  2. Features: C++ and Java both have several Object Oriented programming features which provide many useful programming functionalities. Some feature is supported by one and some are not. Below is the table which shows the features supported and not supported by both the programming languages:
    Features C++ Java
    Abstraction Yes Yes
    Encapsulation Yes Yes
    Single Inheritance Yes Yes
    Multiple Inheritance Yes No
    Polymorphism Yes Yes
    Static Binding Yes Yes
    Dynamic Binding Yes Yes
    Operator Overloading Yes No
    Header Files Yes No
    Pointers Yes No
    Global Variables Yes No
    Template Class Yes No
    Interference and Packages No Yes
    API No Yes
  3. Application: Both C++ and Java have vast areas of application. Below is the applicationd of both the languages:
    • Application of C++ Programming language:
      1. Suitable for Developing large software(like, passenger resevation system).
      2. MySQL is written by C++.
      3. For fast exection C++ is majorly used in Game Development.
      4. Google Chromium browser, file system, cluster data processing are all written in C++.
      5. Adobe Premier, Photoshop and Illustrator these popular application are scripted in C++.
      6. Advance Computations and Graphics- real-time physical simulations, high-performance image processing.
      7. C++ also used in many advanced medical equipments like MRI machines, etc.
    • Application of Java Programming language:
      1. Desktop GUI Applications development.
      2. Android and Mobile application development.
      3. Applications of Java are in embedded technologies like SIM cards, disk players, TV, etc.
      4. Java EE(Enterprise Edition) provides API and runtime environment for running large enterprise software.
      5. Network Applications and Web services like, Internet connection, Web App Development.
  4. Environment: C++ is Platform dependent while Java is the platform-independent programming language. We have to write and run C++ code on the same platform. Java has the WORA(Write Once and Run Everywhere) feature by which we can write our code in one platform once and we can run the code anywhere.