Remove Unwanted Spaces From String in Java

Remove Unwanted Spaces From String in Java

  Learn how to remove extra white spaces between words from a String in Java.

Given 3 Methods:

  1. Remove Unwanted Space Using  String (Basic Method).
  2. Remove extra white spaces between words with regular expression.
  3. Replace multiple spaces with single space using StringBuiffer.

Remove extra spaces given a String  example: Input :     I      like output:I like

1.Remove Unwanted Spaces Using  String (Basic Method).

  1. using String
  2. Char Array
package; public class RemoveUnwantedSpace { public static void main(String[] args) { String s = "         I        Like    "; char c[] = s.toCharArray(); String ss = ""; for (int i=0; i<c.length; i++) { if (c[i]=='  ') { } else { ss=ss+c[i]; if (c[i+1]=='  '){ ss=ss+"  "; } } } System.out.println("Removed Spaces: " +ss); } }

Removed Spaces: I Like

2.Remove extra white spaces between words with regular expression

Using regular expression, to replace 2 or more white spaces with single space, is also a good solution. We are using regex pattern as “\\s+”.
  1. \s matches a spacetabnew linecarriage returnform feed or vertical tab.
  2. says one or more occurrences.
package; public class RemoveUnwantedSpace { public static void main(String[] args) { String str = "I           Like    "; String removespaces = str.replaceAll("\\s+", "  "); System.out.println( "Removed Spaces: " +removespaces ); } }


Removed Spaces: I Like

Note that this method will not trim the String. That means there might be single space at start at end of string, if original string has such white spaces at beginning or end.

3.Replace multiple spaces with single space using StringBuiffer

StringBuiffer can also help you to get string from uneven spaced strings. This is complete programmatic approach and may not be suitable for large strings.  
package; import java.util.StringTokenizer; public class RemoveUnwantedSpace { public static void main(String[] args) { String name = " I Like "; StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(name, " "); StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); while(st.hasMoreElements()) { sb.append(st.nextElement()).append(" "); } String nameSpace = sb.toString(); //trim leading and trailing white spaces nameSpace = nameSpace .trim(); System.out.println( "Removed Spaces: "+nameSpace ); } }


Removed Spaces: I Like

Please note that, as in case of regular expression, this method also may leave leading and trailing white spaces. So do not forget to trim the string after you have remove extra whitespaces between words in parameter string.