A brief on Ruby programming language

A brief on Ruby programming language

History of Ruby

Ruby programming language was primarily devloped or designed by Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto in 1995. In December 1995 Ruby was the earliest unrestricted release of the language. Later that various versions were released. The principal purpose of developing the language is Matz trying to find a language that's scripting language but more powerful than Perl language and pure object-oriented programming but more powerful than Python. As an outcome, Matz makes a singular language that's convincing in both ways scripting also as OOP. A brief on Ruby programming language    

what is ruby programing language ?

Ruby may be a scripting language built from the bottom up to be used ahead end and rear web development and similar applications. it's a strong , dynamically typed, and object-oriented language. What’s more, its syntax is so high-level and straightforward to know that it’s considered as close as you'll get to coding in English. More than one person has commented that they might basically understand Ruby code even without knowing the way to program! Released within the 1990s, Ruby is an open-sourced language created by the japanese programmer Yukihiro “Matz” Matsumoto. He has stated that the language is meant to be both fun and productive. Ruby is scripted, meaning that it’s an interpreted language instead of a compiled one.

What all magic you can do with Ruby?

  • Quickly deploy an app prototype using Heroku.
  • Do data science calculations through SciRuby.
  • Ruby Chef is your path to DevOps.
  • Perform some interactive shell scripting for video editing.

So, to conclude…

It has a great future ahead…

Top 10 Uses Of Ruby

There are many advantages to using Ruby. Below is that the list of the highest 10 Uses of Ruby. Ruby is most used for building web applications. However, it's a general-purpose language almost like Python, so it's many other applications like data analysis, prototyping, and proof of concepts

1. Object

In Ruby, everything is an object. It means every object in Ruby are often unique and having its own methods and properties as when the thing of the category has been created, it can get its own class referred as a singleton. Ruby is just executing the code with ‘self’ pointing at the category . It helps in evaluating the code within the class context from any location.

2. Modules

Uses of Ruby has different and awesome modules, which permit dynamic addition of latest elements of the category hierarchy at runtime. The modules that are added are often evaluated dynamically at runtime and making much easier to increase the specified functionality. Ruby also provides the lifecycle hooks, which allows using the modules effectively or robustly to isolate the extensions from each other .

3. Code development

In Ruby, it's been seen that the event code is far faster than other programming languages. In stats, ruby isn't the fastest language for running and processing requests but developing the software products in ruby is much faster than other languages.

4. Dynamic Typing

Uses of Ruby has one among the good features that's dynamic typing, which suggests the sort of variable are often changed and may be resolved on a fly at the time when parsed by an interpreter.  Whereas in static typing, sort of variable is defined and resolved by interpreter initially, which doesn't allow us to vary the sort further. So, dynamic typing plays an important role in several stages for the event of projects.

5. Duck Typing

In Ruby, Duck typing refers to be less concerned about the thing of the category but mainly concerned with methods which will be called on and therefore the operations that are getting to perform thereon methods. In ruby, we don’t declare the kinds of methods, everything is predicated on the thing only and these ruby objects are often modified individually. We are mainly counting on the thing capabilities, which helps in defining the sort object.

6. Code Quality

Ruby code is intuitive, which provides the great quality code to the appliance and it's easier to read and write also . the standard of code mainly depends on best practices followed and compliance with common standards. Ruby is perfectly tooled for testing an integral a part of producing clean code. Ruby features a standard library that gives the entire suite of testing tools.

7. Maintainability

Ruby is intuitive, it makes easy for the developers to take care of and understand. It makes the code to run fast and quickly. It takes less effort of the programmers or developers to take care of the massive piece of code and already written code are often used again means same code needn't be writing whenever . because the ruby code is straightforward to know , it's very easy to trace down the bugs and fix them quickly.

8. Performance and Security

Ruby has clean code while developing the appliance which makes its smooth and great performance without throwing any issues. the appliance runs faster due to this and it also provides or ensures the safety of the appliance . Uses of Ruby ensures the high performance and secured deliverable of application for pleasant customer experience which makes it the primary choice of developers to develop the appliance in Ruby.

9. Other features

It supports free format means writing of program are often started from any line and column. it's also case-sensitive means lowercase and uppercase letters are completely different. In ruby, # is getting used if we would like to comment anything means interpreter won’t take into consideration.

10. Community

Ruby features a great community which is extremely active, optimist and enormous . The community helps in every answer to assist out the developers. It supports the new developers to find out with help of providing the fabric , books, courses, and other discussion platforms.


  • Ruby has its own web application framework no third party frameworks.
  • It follows the DRY principle.
  • It is open-source programming that permits the developer to switch , distribute, and use.
  • The code is straightforward to write down , read, and understand.


  • Ruby code is difficult to debug and sometimes generates a mistake during runtime.
  • Ruby has less information compared to other programming languages.
  • It has lower flexibility and not so popular.
  • Slow processing.